Private Pay Costs
Occupational Therapy, Speech / Language Therapy, Feeding Therapy, Social Pragmatic Groups, Reading Services,
Parent Coaching/Consultation, Psychotherapy
1 hour Social Group Intake Session: $200
45 minute - 1 hour articulation only evaluation: $200
Evaluation consisting of 1-2-hours of face to face meeting time: $300
Speech/Language (includes receptive/expressive language, articulation, social pragmatics)
Occupational Therapy
1 hour Individual and/or Family Psychotherapy Intake with our social worker: $200
2+ hour Comprehensive Evaluation: rate to be discussed as testing will be individualized
In-person & Telehealth
$90 for 45 minutes OR
Package: 10 sessions for $850
$120 for 1 hour
Package: 10 sessions for $1150
Social pragmatics group: $65 OR
Package: 10 sessions for $600
Formal progress reports
$50 per report
Parent/Caregiver Meetings or Attendance at Team Meetings
$120/hr per provider in attendance (prorated)
Off-Site Visits, Including Observations
School Visit: $120/hr + travel time
School Visit with written observation report: $200/hr + travel time
Home Visit: $120/hr + travel time
Travel time billed at $75/hr, if location more than 15 minutes from our office
Phone Calls
Periodic check-ins with parent/caregiver and therapist, 30 minutes or less: no charge
Check-ins greater than 30 minutes: $75/hr
Regularly scheduled check-ins with other members of client’s team: $75/hr
Consultations / Review of Reports, IEP’s, etc.
Consultation / Review of IEP’s and reports with written feedback provided over email: $120/hr