Sick Policy

Please do not come or bring your child to the clinic if you or they are sick.

If you or your child are ill, we ask that you call the clinic or your clinician as soon as possible, yet we understand that there may be times when you need to make a last-minute call. There will never be a missed appointment fee due to sickness. You or your child may return to therapy when you or your child are symptom free without the use of medication for a minimum of 24 hours.

For the health and safety of our community, we ask families to note the following:

Call as soon as possible to let us know that you or your child is sick.

  • We can explore options for therapy such as telehealth, an outdoor session, or masking depending on the type of sickness and the therapist.

Cancel the session if you or your child exhibits the following symptoms:

  • Fever in the last 24 hours

  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea in the last 24 hours

Peer Projects Therapy from the Heart is considered a medical facility. Please let us know if you or your child has any special risk factors or vulnerabilities and needs an accommodation of a masked setting, so we can be aware of and meet this need.  Your therapist will never put you at risk.

We have a lot of families who are immunocompromised so we would really appreciate it if you kept that in consideration when visiting our offices.  Please do not bring any siblings that are sick to our offices as the waiting area should be a safe environment for everyone to use. 

We appreciate your attention to this matter and in helping to keep us all healthy.

Racial Injustice Statement

Peer Projects and Therapy From the Heart pride ourselves in being a safe place for all children and families to come and be part of a community. We meet families where they are, and unconditionally accept them for who they are. During these historic times of social injustice and unrest, we stand with the Black community and people of color. Black Lives Matter. We are committed to fighting racial injustice in ways that we can, and by continuing our education as a team to fight systemic racism.