What’s New!
Watch and see the valuable work we do with our families at Peer Projects Therapy from the Heart.

Peer Projects & Therapy from the Heart are dedicated to creating a safe place for individuals and families, with unique and sometimes subtle challenges, to come, be part of a community, develop meaningful relationships, form positive memories, feel competent, engage in authentic activities, have fun, and as result... grow and learn!
Welcome to our sister practices.
Our approach
We meet individuals where they are, unconditionally accept them for who they are, and help them become the best they can be.
“You're growing such a wonderful practice into something even more wonderful - if that's possible. It's really awesome and I feel so fortunate to be part of it. Our child has come so far and we're so lucky to have you and everyone at Peer Projects Therapy From the Heart. I hope you know how much we think of you and you have such talented, passionate therapists working there."